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Brian Batko's Pitt football chat: 11.15.17
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Brian Batko
Solid observation, jay, DiNucci needs to do a better job with his reads. Even he would tell you that. Comfort in the pocket just still doesn't seem to be totally there.
Tossing Thabeets
Do you have any information on the possible redshirt changes coming?  I know they were proposed in July and then, if approved, passed to the NCAA for vote in January.  It would allow kids to play in up to 4 games without losing their redshirt.  It has a lot of support from both P5 and non-P5 members.  I'm curious if this is playing a roll in Pickett vs. DiNucci.
Brian Batko
Tossing Thabeets, that's a sick reference there, mate. I haven't heard or seen much on that lately. I know there's also some semblance of support for allowing redshirts to play in bowl games, which would be intriguing. But to answer your last part, no, I don't think Narduzzi harbors any such hopes with Pickett.
OK, prediction time...
Blawnox Panther
What is your prediction for the Virginia Tech game?
I'm predicting an upset this weekend.  Pitt wins 30-27 simply because it makes absolutely no sense whatsoever.  Just like this team most of the time.
Brian Batko
I admire your optimism, SDWC, but I simply cannot agree with you. I think VT does enough to win and pulls away late, to the tune of a 35-21 victory at Lane Stadium.
The chat has ended, you may go in peace: