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Brian Batko's Pitt football chat: 8.30.17
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Do you think DiNucci plays vs YSU or PSU if Browne struggles?
Brian Batko
Sup, Tank. It's possible, but I think it's more likely if Browne comes out and kills it than if he struggles. If Browne the first-team O light up YSU, then yeah, bring in DiNucci toward the end and let him play. PSU, on the other hand, I'd be surprised to see Ben on the field at Beaver Stadium - but you never know.
Jordan W
Think I am going pro after this season?
Brian Batko
If you want to, man
OK, I'll end it there. We went about 5 minutes into overtime, at least compared to our previous chats. Thanks again to everyone for stopping by, and apologies if I didn't get to your question. We'll do it again next week, with a real game to talk about. Huzzah!