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Eric Longenhagen Prospects Chat
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Eric A Longenhagen
I'll say that there are issues and some of them are definitely of the, "Come one, he's 17" ilk while others are not. Those latter issues are not so bad that I'd just take the kid off the board, but they'd give me pause and force me to sit down with the kid and learn about him. I will also say that some of what was circulating in the industry about him was absolute BS and teams were trying to Marino him down toward their pick, which I think is despicable.
have u seen Orimoloeye in ext. spring training? if so, is he improving his contact ability?
Eric A Longenhagen
I have and not really. No hand separation. Looks like they've over simplified things.
Does Jacoby Jones threaten Mike Aviles job sometime this season? Should he?
Eric A Longenhagen
I put a 35 on Jones last year during Fall League. Think he can play serviceable defense in a few different spots and maybe hit lefties a little bit. Not enough to profile as a regular, more of an up and down or low end UTIL for me.
Could you provide a quick scouting report on Taylor Trammell?
Eric A Longenhagen
Crazy athlete (go look up his football stats from last fall) and has more baseball feel then the typical "Athlete we're teaching to play baseball", 7 runner, potentially special defender in CF.
Victor Robles is obliterating A-ball in basically the exact same manner he obliterated A- and Rookie leagues, and is 19. Does he get the bump to AA this year? Is it crazy to think that he might be a callup candidate next year?
Eric A Longenhagen
I think there's a real chance he's in Double-A in a few weeks and if he keeps vaporizing everything in front of him? Yeah, next year might be when he arrives, even if it's just for some coffee.
Jharel Cotton: what do you think?
Eric A Longenhagen
Low to mid-90s, plus changeup, breaking ball and cutter work well enough for me that I think he has a starter's repertoire. I though he'd throw more strikes than this, but I still think he's a superior rotation option to say, Bolsinger, even right now. I'm high on him compared to the industry, though.
What's wrong with Monte Harrison? Too soon to call him a bust?
Eric A Longenhagen
No idea. Thought he looked incredible this spring. Definitely too soon to toss him prospectdom in a coffin.
That's it for me today as the draft is about to get underway again soon. Thanks for the questions everyone and have a good weekend. Live reaction to today's happenings will be on Twitter and over at