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Eric Longenhagen Prospects Chat
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Eric A Longenhagen
Yup, 93-95 with a future plus slider. Not sure if he can start, but has a big league arm.
Have any prospects ever asked you about your scouting reports on themselves?  I imagine it would be weird telling a guy directly "Love your raw power, but I don't think your hit tool is good enough right now."
Eric A Longenhagen
Nope, and I don't talk to prospects specifically to avoid this kind of interaction. I respect and appreciate everyone's level of skill as it's among the top 1% of the human population, but sometimes I have to write shitty things and just hope it isn't taken personally.
Long Live Jeff Frye
I bet when Rickey talks to himself he still refers to himself in the third person.
Eric A Longenhagen
There was at least one 'Rickey' in there, yeah. It was perfect.
That'll be all for this week. Have a wonderful T-day. Go Roughies