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FanGraphs After Dark Chat - 12/22/15
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Paul Swydan
Assuming these were my only two options, of course.
Will Conforto be the middle of the lineup guy that the Mets needs?
Paul Swydan
I'm not sure he's a prototypical 30 home run guy, but I think that in general he can provide the offense that the team needs, yes.
Question for you
Any thoughts on a minimum and maximum cap that escalates upward each year?
Paul Swydan
No thank you. If for no other reason than it makes the sport less fun to follow. Following the NBA and NFL offseasons is way less fun because you need to pay so much attention to their cap numbers and all of that stuff. It's mind numbing.
But I also don't think it would solve anything.
how has sales been for your annual? What was it like to edit MGL?
Paul Swydan
I've edited MGL before. He's actually a very nice guy. He was very easy to work with, aside from the fact that he had one of the longer pieces in the book. As for sales, our initial sales were on target for sure.
Dr Evil
Should the O's start thinking about blowing things up? (specifically trade Machado, Jones, maybe Gausman) There farm is a mess and they don't seem to have the payroll to really address their short term needs (next 1-2 years).
Paul Swydan
Well I don't think Duquette was hired to blow things up. The O's are trying to compete every year, and I think there is value in that, especially given the fact that they were non-competitive for a very long time.
OK, I think that is going to do it for me tonight. Thanks to all of you for your support throughout the year. I hope you are all enjoying a wonderful holiday season, and will continue to do so through the new year. I will be off next week, so I will see you in 2016!