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Travis Sawchik FanGraphs Chat
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Travis Sawchik
I think JD gets closer than Hosmer but neither hits the $200 million mark
I think Dave had JD at 6y/$155 million
'll be fascinated to see what Hosmer gets
I've read a lot about how the Orioles shouldn't commit resources beyond 2018 because they're obviously going to need to rebuild after this year.  But how does it harm the rebuild if they're paying, say, Lance Lynn $15M?  He certainly wouldn't be blocking anyone, and could potentially be traded.
Travis Sawchik
Orioles are facing a rebuild, but I could also see them justifying taking one more run at the playoffs this year. I'm not sure Machado returns a ton at this point
So, yeah, I'd be open to one adding one of those second-tier arms. They could also become trade chips beyond 2018
LegallyEagle, it was all of the MVP talk about Judge vs. JUNE!
Travis Sawchik
At least that debate held through the entire  season and I think voters got it right
Context-dependent stats should play a role in voting, after all, it is history
They say the Marlins are asking too much for Stanton. Do you see the price coming down, someone overpaying, or the Marlins keeping him?
Travis Sawchik
I don't see an overpay, so I think price comes down and he's eventually moved
Thankful for a great 2017 season with a great World Series.  Is the offseason outside of Dipoto basically on hold until Ohtani and Stanton situations are settled? when will that likely happend?
Travis Sawchik
Those situations might be holding up some teams ... but since Ohtani is subject to intl bonus pools, I wouldn't imagine it has the industry on hold ... (unless all teams have their extension offers on the table under the table)
Fair line
Hm. I'll go non-ironic and say I am thankful for having a brilliant & supportive wife and a young, curious, and immensely gratifying 2 year old who still, weeks into November, asks to watch baseball with me.... My question is about the MLBPA. It seems like the more time that passes from the most recent CBA, the more it seems like they picked the wrong fights and fought them poorly. How long before they are less incentivized to protect aging vets and instead support ownership paying closer to market value for draftees, minor leaguers and pre-arb talent?
Travis Sawchik
I agree. The MLBPA has picked some of the wrong battles to fight and as a result owners' share of revenue continues to increase.
It's somewhat baffling to me there is a soft cap (a luxury tax) but there is no soft floor requiring owners to spend XX on payroll
Where do you think JD Martinez lands?
Travis Sawchik
Red Sox have the glaring need
If Martinez could play first, maybe he can?, I'd love to see him in Colorado
Rockies managed to finish last in 1B and RF WAR last year
Is it possible that MLBPA is just dragging their feet on the posting agreement because every team is going to want Ohtani anyway so it is better for their free agents if they sign prior to Ohtani posting?   Some teams may no longer be interested in some of the higher-end free agents if they were to land Ohtani, and those players are better off if the posting happens in January and teams are forced to make decisions about them in advance of knowing if they'll sign Shohei.
Travis Sawchik
Hmmm. But is MLBPA gonna make us all wait until late January? I hope not
It'd likely never happen, but I'd rather see the (prioritization of) wages of minor league ball players rise to a livable wage before the institution of a minimum spending floor.
Travis Sawchik
Milb players deserve better, no doubt ... but I don't think it's atop the agenda
Steve O
Would you rather trade a few prospects and take on Stanton's contract or just sign Bryce Harper for money next offseason. Let's assume signing Harper is a foregone conclusion.
Travis Sawchik
Depends on the prospects ... but if I'm, say, the Cardinals I doubt I'm landing Bryce Harper so my focus would be on Stanton
Travis, do you think MLB owners and MLBPA would go for a 50/50 split on upping minor league farm-hand minimum salaries 2x/3x? I haven't run numbers on it, but the minor league pay just feels like such a black eye on an otherwise great system.
Travis Sawchik
There's gotta be a solution out there. It's only going to become more of an issue as it likely gains more attention
Rupert Giles
From Oakland's perspective, is there a case for trading Sean Manaea? Especially considering the high cost right now of young controllable starters versus the A's contention window still being  a year or 2 out.
Travis Sawchik
There's perhaps a case, but it feels a little early
What if they land Ohtani!
He Hate Me
I'm thankful that for a reasonable sum, I have a FanGraphs membership. That said, do you think that we should pump the breaks on the Ohtani-two-way-player hype or are you on board? Great, he's doing it in Japan. Guys do it in college too. But the last real 2-way in MLB was Babe Ruth, probably the best player ever, and he only did it for a few years in Boston before shifting to full-time OF in NY. Are we really expecting Ohtani to be the next Ruth? N.B. Longenhagen put a 40/45 hit tool on him with 60 raw. Not exactly Ruthian. Probably not even starting-DHian. Can we speak realistically please?
Travis Sawchik
The statistical translations like him a lot better as a hitter ... I think there probably should be a few more two-way players. While the exception, there shouldn't be a hard-and-fast rule agianst them especially as 25-man rosters are stretched nowadays
Who says no? Chris Archer to the Cubs for Ian Happ, Victor Caratini, Adbert Alzolay and a low level pitcher.
Travis Sawchik
That's pretty intriguing, KW
Cubs gotta add an impact arm and I think I'd be willing to pay a price like that for Archer or something similar. Rays ought to consdier moving Archer now
Isn't the problem with the mlbpa that they always sold the young players so that the veterans could keep their privileges but now the new smart GMs break that old agreement between owners and mlbpa  by targeting young players so much and thus screwing the veterans? How can that be solved? Force the gms to use more veterans? Raise salary or shorten team control of young guys? Or just players accepting that their share continues to go down?
Travis Sawchik
Smarting GMing has hurt players. The one thing that can force spending is a cap-and-floor system ... every other major pro sport in US has it
Babe Lincoln
As a Mets fan, should I hope Ohtani comes over now so NYY?LAD/BOS/etc can't blow us out of the water on contract offers?  Or hope he waits because we don't have any realistic chance now?