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Travis Sawchik FanGraphs Chat
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Travis Sawchik
If they COULD get Darvish/Ohtani they should do it
I am thankful for having access to such amazing writers with these chats!
Travis Sawchik
Thanks, Ben. We're lucky to write for the best baseball audience on the Web.
Pumpsie Green
What would Ohtani realistically expect to make over the next two years if he stayed in Japan? I still think there's a chance he will be on another team in Japan next year.
Travis Sawchik
I am not sure. Good question
Why do the Cubs need to add an impact arm?  Arrieta and Lackey have big reputations, but in reality they combined for 2.9 WAR in 2017.  The Cubs will replace most of that value just by having Quintana for a full season.  Add someone like Cobb and a 1.5 win 5th starter, and they have a significantly better rotation than the team that just went to the NLCS.
Travis Sawchik
I'm not so much worried about regular season as postseason matchups. That rotation is clearly behind LAD, WAS, ARZ in NL
How much would you pay for a pitcher who walked every batter when your team is ahead but strikes out every hitter when you're behind?
Travis Sawchik
[Thinking emoji face]
Walking every batter when ahead doesn't sound very appealing
a different matt
Once we start looking at context for the MVP, we need to look at the pitchers Altuve was facing as well.  The only above average pitching staff in the AL West he didn't have to face because they were on his team.  This would seem more relevant to individual Value than how well the players after him hit.
Travis Sawchik
That should . definitely be taken into account and it is measured in some corners of the internet
I know BP measures quality of pitchers faced
Dudes with Stanton's power are kinda/sorta park-independent.  Khris Davis went from Milwaukee (arguably the best offensive non-Coors park in baseball) to Oakland (death) and didn't miss a beat.
Travis Sawchik
Those dudes are still going to get their homers, for sure. But Stanton is going to lose a few HRs in SF compared to about every other park
Who is on your HOF ballot?
Travis Sawchik
I don't have one! You need to have been a BBWAA for 10 years. I have five.
Pure speculation on my part...but could the Braves investigation and MLBPA concerns on Ohtani be linked? It was said early on in the Braves investigation that Coppy was approaching players agents prior to the end of the season. Perhaps Coppy was trying to land a Darvish/Ohtani combo and now all of baseball is suffering? No one likes speculative rumors, but this seems like an awful coincidence.
Travis Sawchik
I have no knowledge on this other than Ohtani is the biggest fish out there, of course
That sound you are hearing is Christmas music doubling as a signal that this chat is ending
Thanks for stopping by!
Have a great holiday and I'll be back next week
Until then, be good and do good