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How bad does Swanson have to be for the D-Backs to not regret that trade?
Dave Cameron
It would have to come out that he had the bubonic plague, and that the D'Backs traded him to keep their minor league players alive, while Swanson wipes out Atlanta's entire farm system. Short of that, it's regrettable no matter what happens.
el gasolino
have you seen anyone with a better hit tool than ichiro?
Dave Cameron
Tony Gwynn, maybe.
Wade Boggs was up there too.
Since you're 30 min behind and it's currently 12:48, this question will never be read. Just me shouting into the great abyss, drifting alone in the infinite universe.
Dave Cameron
I do eventually catch up.
Well, sort of.
At the end, I go into speedy-reader mode and get more selective with the last 5-10 questions.
Other than national baseball writer, is there any high profile job where employees can be willfully ignorant of developments in their industry? It is amazing to me that after all these years, some national writers (who get paid to do nothing but follow baseball) still don't have the faintest idea how to interpret Steamer- or Pecota-projected standings.
Dave Cameron
To be fair, their job isn't to understand those things; it's to draw readership. Skip Bayless and Stephen A Smith aren't being paid for the quality of their discussion. It's sad, but it is what it is.
statcast would allow you to ask how well a guy hit the ball as opposed to what seem to be a somewhat more arbitrary result (Single, Double, etc.). Arguing that wOBA is better for measuring value to team seems a bit like arguing that RBIs are a good measure of value for team.
Dave Cameron
Until they start awarding runs based on exit velocity, you're incorrect.
RE: Scoops and UZR. Is there a piece you can link to that discusses scoops? Hosmer is an "elite scooper" but his defense doesn't show statistically. Just wanted to read more on the subject.
Yo dawg
I'm surprised that "intelligence" is still a factor in pitchers' makeup, frankly. Don't teams have optimized pitch strategy by now? Surely 10 guys with excel spreadsheets signalling to the catcher are better than the intuition and flow of the C/P combo?
Dave Cameron
Intelligence isn't just pitch selection. It's willingness to study patterns, to make changes, to learn about how to maximize what a pitcher has at any given point in time.
Alright, on that note, off to get some lunch. Thanks for chatting again everyone.
We'll do it again next Wednesday.