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Gerry Dulac's Steelers chat: 11.15.17
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Gerry Dulac
Doesn't matter what they want. And who says that?
Hi Gerry, do you believe the second half performance by the O against the Colts carries over to tomorrow or will it be more of the same?
Gerry Dulac
I do, I think it will
Hi Gerry, who wins more skins in a Dulac vs. LeBeau matchup?
Gerry Dulac
It might go 19 holes
Gerry, first thanks for the chat!  Second, our offensive play calling and formations seem extremely predictable.  Some examples are the i-fomation that we only run out of and always follow the FB to the hole, Empty backfield sets on 3rd and short,  and rarely using play action when the ground game is effective.  Is this predictability part of the issue with our offense as a whole?
Gerry Dulac
I think plays and formations always seem predictable when they don't work. But I will point up that they keep calling the same play when it works, such as when Bell follows David Decastro on those counter plays. They keep running it, even tho the other team might know it's coming. It's predictable, but it works.
What's more likely to happen by the end of the season: The defense gets even better and starts dominating like the 2008 defense, or the offense finally starts playing like we all though it would? I think one of those things needs to happen, or it's going to be a short postseason.
Gerry Dulac
Actually I think both will happen
Why isn't Jordan Dangerfield getting to play safety instead of folded
Gerry Dulac
Because he's not good enough
We are blessed to be 7 and 2 with a hall of fame quarterback.  Many teams would love to have our problems.  Steeler fans need to relax.  Our six Lombardi's were won with defense.
Gerry Dulac
Not going to argue. Steelers are 16-3 in their past 19 games. 16-3!!!!
Why do they put keep putting Robert Golden in he can't cover any one what happen to Dangerfield
Gerry Dulac
He don't get any respect.
Gerry, we seem to be the only team in the league that has to have our OG stand up and look at the QB and then pat the center on the backside to snap the ball usually instantly.  Why don't we just stand up and tell the Defense that we are getting ready to snap the ball too, it is that obvious!
Gerry Dulac
Look around pal....other teams are doing the same thing now. BTW have you noticed the Steelers are 5-1 on the road?? Huh? You know how many teams in the league have a better road record? Two -- NE and Rams (4-0). It would appear to me that whatever it is they are doing on the road is working.
Tickets are going for $39 on Ticketmaster resale site for tomorrow's game, and this is a  7-2 vs a 6-3 team. Not a 7-2 Steelers vs the 0-9 Browns. I think fans don't like Thursday Night Football, nor do the players. How many no-shows you expecting? Fans not players that is.
Gerry Dulac
I don't know about the turnout but I would agree w you
John L
Gerry, Old guy here but are these celebrations becoming a little too weird. Cringing a bit wondering where this goes.
Gerry Dulac
Ha. I have to admit, I'm not a big fan of end-zone celebrations, especially planned ones, but some are very entertaining, amusing and creative.
John L
Do you think we're in trouble with Sensabaugh? Or do you think he'll fill in admirably?
Gerry Dulac
Admirably might be a good word
I am a believer that we should continue to use press man coverage even with the injury to Haden.  Do you agree?  I would rather get burnt every now or then, rather than getting nickel and dimed consistently.
Gerry Dulac
I think they will, but not as much as they were going to with Haden.
What will be the biggest deciding factors in the rest of the season for the Steelers? This team has yet to even reach their potential, and yet they are 7-2, which is amazing. What will they need to do in order to reach that?
Gerry Dulac
They are winning without their 'A" game, and that's been encouraging. Let me say this....if the Steelers get to 11-2 and their offense is finally clicking heading into the NE game -- ansd let's say they beat the Patriots to go 12-2 and be in control of the No. 1 seed -- you and everyone else will say 'Thank goodness they won those games in Detroit and Indy.' Of course, there will always be a couple of jabronies who will say, 'Yeah but wer shoulda beat the Bears.'
How big of an advantage is it for Lebeau to see Ben in practice for years?  He has to know all of his strengths and more importantly, his weaknesses.
Gerry Dulac
To some degree, yes. But I don't think that matters. Ya know, it can work the other way, too.
Steeler fan in NC
Why do Mike Tomlin teams struggle against sub-.500 teams, especially on the road? I like Tomlin as a coach, but any thoughts on why he struggles with lesser teams? I get the "you can't choose your schedule argument", but I'd argue back that you should win more of those games against lesser teams (i.e. backup qbs and defenses that allow the most points....) by a wider margin, not a last second field goal or losing.
Gerry Dulac
I will repeat, they are 5-1 on the road.
Alahup in Va.
Know that Bell and Conner's running styles are different, does it seem that Conner is looking faster getting to the outside than Bell?
Gerry Dulac
They are just running a different style of play. Bell would look just as fast, if not faster, running the same play. Difference is, Conner is taking the ball and just running to the edge. Bell always hesitates.
We have a top 2 WR, the best RB, a great veteran QB, and a great OL, yet we are one of a couple teams who hasn't scored 30 pts in a game.  If things don't get better by season's end, is Haley gone?
Gerry Dulac
In the last few years, when we go no huddle, it seems like we move the ball.  Why don't we run it more?  Is it because Haley is a control freak or something?  I really think that it helps our offense get into a groove.
Gerry Dulac
I think you will see a lot more no-huddle against the Titans
What's wrong with the running game? Is it the line? Is it Bell? It needs to be better, especially if Ben is going to continue being just so-so.
Gerry Dulac
Did you notice that Bell leads the league in rushing?
Do you think Haley was really yelling at Danny Smith and not someone else?