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Jeff Sullivan FanGraphs Chat -- 5/13/16
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With Cain and Peavy at the back-end of their rotation, why in tarnation would the Giants only be interested in Lincecum as a reliever?? Surely he'd be an upgrade from either one of the aforementioned...right?
Jeff Sullivan
Nothing about Lincecum is sure. They know him better than anyone. And if they expressed interest in him as a starter, that would signal that they're looking for a starter, and that would make Cain and Peavy feel suspicious
Can't imagine you've thought about it much since it happened, but now that you're reading it you will at least a little! Have your thoughts on the Miller-for-Karns trade changed since it happened?
Jeff Sullivan
Not too much, no. But I will concede that at some point Miller needs to start really hitting, instead of just being a guy people expect to someday hit
I'm going to Wrigley for the first time this weekend. Any recommendations?
Jeff Sullivan
Make sure you look forward, toward the baseball field. If you look in the other direction it's a waste of your money
Read August's piece on Kris Bryant's new swing the other day, and it got me thinking about Miguel Sano's launch angle, which statcast has at an average of 18 degrees. If "a launch angle between 25 and 30 degrees is where the home runs live," (per August) could this be where his power has gone or is that oversimplifying it? His line drive rate is up six percent over last year and his Hard% isn't down too badly. I know he strikes out too much (seventh-worst K% in the league), but...dingers! Where are they? Thoughts?
Jeff Sullivan
Sano this year: 18-degree average angle. Sano last year: 15-degree average angle
His swing path isn't the problem. The homers are going to be there. He's legit
So how did you feel changing gears from the more sort-of free-form fun-loving nature of SB Nation to the decidedly more stat-mindedness and relative seriousness here? I know you still make your jokes (and bless you for them), but was it tough to change your mindset?
Jeff Sullivan
It wasn't tough because I wasn't given any such instruction but I definitely do feel now that I'm less funny than ever! Humor is a muscle and I'm not the same kind of creative I think I was. But maybe that's just being older and boring
Pants on the ground
Thoughts on Manaea sticking in the A's rotation when Alvarez returns? His demise has been the long ball in "one bad inning". Also, I think Hahn got the short end of the stick. His outing @ BOS was a tough one, but to send a guy down after that???
Jeff Sullivan
Hahn will be back soon, and Alvarez will be up soon, and Manaea will return to the minors
+ison Russell
Is Clayton Kershaw one of the 5 best starting pitchers in MLB history? How much of a factor do you consider the era in which these guys pitch?
Jeff Sullivan
Kershaw still has like half his career left so we'll see what becomes of him, but he's on track to absolutely crack the top 5. By any measure, including those that account for era
I'm not great at interpreting defensive stats. How has Leonys Martin been the Mariners' fourth most valuable position player while batting .204?
Jeff Sullivan
He is an absurdly good center fielder
Baseball McBaseballface
I'm about to interview for a job. Any advice?
Jeff Sullivan
Talk about yourself only within the context of what you could mean for the business
And do not, absolutely do not, ask the interviewer to pull your finger
It seems inefficient to use Kershaw the same amount as every other pitcher. Would you support experiments in using the best pitchers for more innings, not by going deeper, but by pitching more often?
Jeff Sullivan
I don't think you want to do anything to risk the well-being of an elite-level arm
Kershaw pitches more just as a function of staying healthy and not getting yanked in the early innings
And sometimes he'll go on short rest. That's about enough
cards have almost as many runs as red sox.
Jeff Sullivan
Remember a few games in when it looked like they couldn't hit at all
Outta my way, Gyorkass
Give me a good recommendation on an Oregonian IPA
Jeff Sullivan
Fort George, from that previous guy
Trophic Cascade
Question about Batted ball hit strength type (soft, medium,hard): how much of it should be used in analysis at this point? Can we trust it or is there still some noise? Is there a stabilization point?
Jeff Sullivan
Lots of noise but it's a useful indicator to pair with exit-velocity stuff
Kiner's Disembodied Hands
Do you see the Pirates targeting a guy like Pomeranz, or do you think think calling up a Taillon/Glasnow will suffice once super 2 passes?
Jeff Sullivan
I don't think the Padres would be particularly interested in moving Pomeranz. Pirates would've made more sense last offseason
Anonymous Coward
Is there anything interesting to say about the Chacin trade?
Jeff Sullivan
Here's the funny thing -- Jhoulys Chacin is one of the, what, 500 or 700 best baseball players in the world? Stupid amount of talent. Nobody cares
Is Bogaerts continuing last year for the most part, or is something new fueling his success?
Jeff Sullivan
Seems like he's learned how to go the other way and selectively hit for power. So he's blended his strengths from the previous two campaigns. Ideal outcome. I have a note here to write about him in more depth sometime soon
Why don't starters relieve on throw days?
Jeff Sullivan
Sometimes they do in the playoffs, but there's more adrenaline in a game situation, and that makes it a lot less relaxing
A relief appearance is more draining than throwing a bullpen. Especially since a relief appearance is preceded by throwing in the bullpen
I'm 22. Should I stick with a job that's maybe 20% related to what I wanna do long-term in a city where I know no one, or take a job that's 0% related to what I wanna do long-term in a city where my best friends live?