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Klawchat 11/16/17
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Keith Law
Precedent says it'll be IFA money, under the cap. But he'd keep his previous bonus, so he's protected.
Given that Stanton was a 7.5 win player last year and is essentially payed at or under market value aren't the Marlins right to ask for the moon in return?
Keith Law
They can ask for whatever they want, but he was a 2-win player in 2016, and I don't believe he'd get 10 years and $290 million in free agency this winter. Not a chance.
Gene Mullett
What album(s) is/are on your household heavy rotation lately?
Keith Law
Beck, INHEAVEN, Hundred Waters, Portugal. The Man, Death from Above.
Mike Mott
I'm cooking turkey for the first time for my Friendsgiving. Any advice? I've been told brining is a must.
Keith Law
I've brined with success, but the last three years I've spatchcocked the bird and "dry brined" (really, salted) instead.
I think it is safe to say there are waaaaaay more powerful people, particularly in politics, who are serial abusers, than we can even imagine. What ticks me off the most, is that Congress has a special fund, made up entirely of taxpayer dollars, that is specifically to take care of settlements in legal complaints against our representatives. Aren't these guys all rich enough to take care of their own business?
Keith Law
Yes, and they're powerful enough to make us take care of their business. I agree, there are WAY more of these cases coming, in politics (both parties, so please, stop the partisan whining), entertainment, business, and sports.
Thoughts on Urias? There seems to be a wide spectrum. With his bat I can see the ceiling as an above average 2B competing for batting titles year in and year out.
Keith Law
I'm a fan. I don't really care about batting average titles, but Urias can hit.
I know conventional wisdom is not to trade within your division, but if you were Jeter, would it make sense to find a partner for Stanton in the Braves/Mets/Phillies? If he's good, he probably opts out before you're competitive and if he's not, it's a long term hamstring for whoever ends up with him.
Keith Law
That conventional wisdom is stupid. Of course they should explore in-division trades ... but the Mets aren't touching a contract like that.
With his second consecutive, and third overall, Cy Young, do you think Scherzer is a Hall of Famer? I admittedly can be a bit of a Nats homer, but was surprised that Boswell wrote that "Cooperstown talk is a long way off because Max was a bit of a late bloomer who became good in 2010, then great by ’13 as he added a curveball to his repertoire." Your thoughts?
Keith Law
Ask me this after Mussina is elected.
Hi Keith, You mentioned on Twitter that Beltran should make the Hall of Fame. I agree. He was a tremendous player with a great career. I noticed his career WAR and JAWS totals were similar to Kenny Lofton (about a 1 WAR difference on B-R over their careers and peak). Why do you think Lofton never got a push? Was it simply a lack of power in a power-heavy era?
Keith Law
Yes, and that Lofton moved around a lot so he didn't have a fan base or local writers stumping for him.
What do you see as the future for Jordan Luplow? Everyday player? 4th OF? More? Less?
Keith Law
Fourth OF.
You're aware of the beautiful baseball stadium slated for demolition in Camden. I think it's obvious that an affiliated minor league team would have much better there than the independent league that was there, but is that right? How much would having an affiliated team there hurt Phillies ticket sales?
Keith Law
Don't think it'd hurt at all. Might even help, as fans would have a better chance to see prospects on their way up.
Define projectability.  We have a 13yo outfielder/2nd baseman who is already 5'9 and 163. He'll naturally add height and mass as he gets older, but does he want to leave room for "projectability" or get as strong / athletic as possible..........
Keith Law
I am not a fan of kids that young doing heavy weight training to get bigger. I doubt we know the consequences of that over the long term. Just stay in shape and have fun.
Michael Izen
Hi Keith, which team do you think will land Otani, and how much of an impact will he make on that team?
Keith Law
No idea who'll land him.
Do you still think Ohtani's hitting is being way overhyped?
Keith Law
Absolutely. But facts don't matter much any more, do they?
If Ohtani comes to the MLB this off-season, would it be permissible for a team to promise that they'd release him to free agency after a year or two?
Keith Law
MLB has made it clear they'd consider that a violation of the rules. After the Atlanta imbroglio I doubt anyone would flaunt the Commissioner's authority so brazenly.
My eleven year old granddaughter has become fanatical about baseball. When asked what she wants to do when she grows up she answers,"I am going to Yale to study economics so I can train to be a GM". Can you recommend any books that will provide her a better understanding of the dynamics of a baseball game as well as the construction of a team. While very bright, she is just eleven years old with the expected math skills for that age.  Thanks. Tom PS - she chooses Yale over Harvard, because her dad is an alum.
Keith Law
I don't know of many books on the topic - if you're here, then you probably know about my book - but I'd certainly suggest Moneyball too, even with its flaws. Also, tell her she should study whatever subject she loves. Economics isn't necessary or even that useful for this sport.
Given the statistics on how rare false accusations are (and how many victims stay silent), what would it take for you not to believe an accuser of sexual violence/harassment?
Keith Law
That's a good question without an easy answer. Certainly, if the accused can produce evidence that, say, he wasn't in that place at that time, or something else that's clearly disproof, that would settle it. But you're right about how rare false claims are.
Pat D
Hate to ask this, but what's your guess on how many people use the Franken story to justify/excuse/outright ignore the Roy Moore story?
Keith Law
I don't follow any alt-right nitwits on Twitter, but that stuff shows up in my feed anyway, and I'm seeing a lot of that nonsense. Here's a real hot take: Franken should resign immediately. Maybe we should just go with a Senate of 100 women instead.
What’s your outlook on Gregory Polanco? Was he just constantly hurt last year? Or has he maybe taken a step backward?
Keith Law
Seems to be a lot going wrong - not healthy, but not as selective as he was, and not making hard enough contact either. The disconnect between his physical ability and his major league performance is huge. I can't give up on that talent, but perhaps the Pirates need to find a different coach to work with him.
Best choice for Angels to fill the chasm at second? Sign Neil Walker? Trade for Kinsler or Gordon? Convince Cozart to switch to second?
Keith Law
Lots of 2b available now - Gordon would be the best fit if they can afford him (in prospects).
Justin Y
Rumors were flying around of a Melancon/Heyward swap. Worth the risk for the Giants? Play him in CF.