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Klawchat 11/16/17
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Keith Law
Andy Baggarly said it was nonsense.
How long will it take AA to make a move or two in Atlanta? At some point, they have to start trading prospects for ML talent, right?
Keith Law
Knowing Alex, I'm kind of stunned he didn't make three trades before leaving Orlando.
What's your favorite Thanksgiving food to cook that doesn't contain any dead animals?
Keith Law
Dead animals can be delicious. But my Thanksgiving menu is typically turkey, two stuffings (one with chicken stock, one with andouille sausage), and then a LOT of vegetables. I roast 2-3 pounds of Brussels sprouts at high temp and toss them in a sweet and sour sauce; that's often a big hit and it scales well for the crowd.
Adam Trask
Does Al Franken's apology matter, or should we throw him out, too?
Keith Law
I thought the apology was weak - but does an apology unring the bell? Does it un-violate the victim? There are plenty of candidates out there who didn't grope anyone. Step aside for one of them instead.
At my kids 10u game last Friday, the pitcher for the opposing team threw 99!! pitches over 5 innings. It was the second game of a double header and after the fact we found out he had thrown an inning in their first game, so between in game and warm up pitches, etc, he probably threw around 150 pitches that day. Our team was literally in shock that they had him throw so many pitches. Crazy what adults will do too young kids to win game. Sadly, the tournament has an innings limit for each kid, but not a pitch count, so they didn't break any rules.
Keith Law
You should approach the tournament directors and push for a rule change, then.
Dr. Rob
Which player from the 70's or 80's do you think should be in the HOF that would surprise the most people? For me it's Bobby Grich.
Keith Law
Whitaker is my main guy, but I agree on Grich and also Trammell.
Andrew Vargha
How much stock do you put into 1st time through the order stats when projecting how a starter could be as a reliever?
Keith Law
Not a ton because we expect a pitcher's stuff to tick up in a relief role. It's more that a pitcher who struggles the 2nd/3rd time through is probably not going to work out as a starter.
After seeing/hearing about Austin Riley - don't you think 3rd base should be what AA targets this offseason?
Keith Law
I would explore it, but you can only acquire what's available, and I don't think 3b is that strong (not like 2b, which is deep).
In the Verlander trade, the Tigers had to pay a reported $8 mil. a year of his salary to get Perez, Cameron, and Rogers. At the deadline, if the Yankees paid all of Verlander's salary, but insisted on sending back Ellsbury, how much of Ellsbury's salary and what prospects would the Yankees have had to send to complete the deal? Thanks.
Keith Law
I really can't answer that at all. I'd just be making shit up. But I should point out that any team below Houston in the standings could have just claimed Verlander on trade waivers, even to block him, but didn't. That alone may have been the difference between Houston winning the World Series and them losing in any of the three rounds of the playoffs, especially the last two.
I read an article last week that the Sox are thinking about trying Chavis at 2B. Does he had enough range to be passable there?
Keith Law
Worth a try. Don't think it'll work, but it's a good experiment.
I’m a college student that loves board games but I don’t find video games enjoyable. One of my other three roommates have the same view as I do, but the other two won’t even give them a chance. Is there anything I can do to convince them?
Keith Law
Boardgames inspired by videogames? X-COM is out. Fallout is coming. Seeing more of these as we go along.
Part of me is like “good on the Twins for being transparent about an issue with Marte that can be tested and proven” and another part is “are they allowed to disclose this? Are there HIPAA issues at play?” Thoughts?
Keith Law
He's not a citizen - does that matter? I don't know any specifics of HIPAA. Maybe it would have gotten out anyway.
Can you explain the new tax law they’re trying to pass? I had a professor come in my class and said that it was very good for America, and that it would help all of us college students with finding a job, because more jobs would be created. I just don’t understand it and everyone seems to have an agenda these days.
Keith Law
I doubt I could do a bill that complex justice here, but that professor seems to have given you a very one-sided view that isn't supported by the history of such tax cuts. Trickle-down economics hasn't worked; the top marginal rate in the US and the effective corporate tax rate are low enough by global standards that cutting them hasn't led to the sort of growth proponents have promised.
Long term- Kevin Maitan or Vlad Jr.?
Keith Law
Vlad Jr. Not even close. Maitan might not be a top 100 prospect any more; Vlad is top 10.
Now that Alex Cora is a manager, who will be your new top recommendation for manager jobs?
Keith Law
That should be my new offseason project - finding the next Alex Coras out there.
Just curious how much time you spend on baseball-related matters? A 40 hour week would be about 2,000 hours/year, with intermittent peaks and valleys. How does your time investment compare?
Keith Law
Dunno. My days are so unstructured that it would be hard to count it. I'm certainly not working 9-5 on baseball each day.
Hello Keith. I think you were the first source from which I heard about the allegations about Louis CK.  You must have seen Michael Schur's apology regarding this.  I'm very conflicted and ashamed myself as a (former) big fan of CK who was hoping the stories were somehow not true.  Do you think this extraordinary cultural moment where men are being held more accountable will spread to athletes, when so many of them have seemed to continue unscathed after allegations of serious sexual misconduct?
Keith Law
I really hope so. Because you KNOW this is happening across sports. But the handful of times that women have come forward, they've had their lives torn apart. Look at Jameis Winston's accusers - and, by the way, he skated on everything. In the time you asked that question, Jerry Jones signed three more players with histories of violence.
Keith - First, as always, thanks so much. I look forward to these chats every week. I don't want the Yanks to sell low on Betances - particularly if they are at least going to try Green in the rotation - but it is hard to have someone who, while generally dominant, has 2-3 periods during a season where he just loses his mechanics. What would you do w him if you're Cash?
Keith Law
I'd consider moving him because the bullpen is such a strength for them and he's superfluous - and could be a closer option for a team that doesn't want to spend on a Wade Davis. Related: I don't like moving Chad Green back to the rotation.
Should Roy Moore win the special election, and there is a strong chance he will, will you publicly blast Alabamans for sticking behind an obvious pervert....or will you admit that there are many Democrat policies that are so unappealing to many people that they would rather vote for a pedophile than a Democrat?
Keith Law
What policies would those be? I'm genuinely curious. Incidentally, if I had a comparable choice here, I'd simply abstain. I wouldn't vote for someone who did what Moore has done even if I agreed with all of his policy plans.
Again, love the chats. Thanks. Best side dish for Thanksgiving? Also, do you think a sous vide machine is a good purchase or not necessary? If so, which one do you recommend? Finally, Yanks next manager - guess as to who?
Keith Law
Definitely not necessary but very fun to have. Anova is what I own and the only one I've used. Best side dish ... depends on what you like. I have a mac & cheese recipe here on the site. I mentioned the Brussels sprouts. I really try to jazz up the vegetable sides, because people say they want turkey and starches, but you can only shove so much of that into your stomach before you want to curl up and die.
Isn't there a concern with the Braves about their position player prospects? There aren't many after Acuna and they are about to take away Maitan, Gutierrez, Severino potentially.