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Klawchat 11/16/17
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Keith Law
Hi, I'm Keith Law, President of the Cristian Pache Fan Club. Can I come in and show you some literature on this fine young centerfielder? I promise it'll only take two to three hours.
Being a Pirates fan, after watching Pelotero, I was no longer comfortable rooting for their acquisition methods in Latin America. The dismissal of Rene Gayo seems like a move in the right direction, but ultimately, is there a way to compete for LA talent while still playing fair, or is the problem systemic?
Keith Law
If MLB enforces its rules, we might see a real sea change in practices down there - but they must keep in mind that impoverished players have nothing to lose by breaking the rules. You police the teams, not the players.
Another Cody
Cody Carrol has gotten hype from the AFL - is he a future big leaguer?
Keith Law
Great arm. Definite big league reliever for me.
Given how few free agents actually live up to their contracts why are teams so willing to give out long term contracts? In your opinion did capping the draft and international free agents actually hurt small market teams because it limited the talent they could bring in and develop?
Keith Law
It's a constrained market: Teams have lots of money to spend and strong incentive to spend it to win now, but the pool of players on which they can spend freely is always limited. The players who'd be the best investments rarely reach free agency. And yes, those caps hurt low-revenue/low-payroll teams the most.
Patty O'Furniture
Nice use of imbroglio
Keith Law
My sesquipedalian proclivity comes in handy at times.
Follow up to my Scherzer question: I *completely* agree with you about Mussina. Do you think he makes it there eventually?
Keith Law
I do. He's going to be the next cause celebre for those of us who pick causes celebres for the Hall.
Can you explain how position affects the defensive side of WAR? I've tried reading about it but don't completely understand. Is it bumped up or down depending on what position one plays?
Keith Law
Think of it this way: All MLB first baseman, in aggregate, hit .265/.347/.487 in 2017. All MLB shortstops hit .264/.319/.416. Therefore, to be an above-average hitter for a first baseman, you must hit above that mark ... which would make you a superstar hitter for a shortstop. An above-average hitter at shortstop could still be a below-average hitter at first base. Positional adjustments take this into account: The standard varies by position.
Thoughts on Bitcoin? Do you own or staying away?
Keith Law
Don't own any.
Dr. Bob
If every powerful male who abused women loses his job, there's going to be a lot turnover in politics, top levels of business, sports, etc.
Keith Law
I'm good with that.
Sorry if this is too personal, but could you talk about your daily routine a little? For example do you read eary in the morning? I'm trying to increase my productivity.
Keith Law
My routine varies more than it should, depending on how much sleep I get. But I do like writing first thing, after I drop my daughter off, because it seems to get my brain going.
Johnny O
If you're hiring a new manager with a team that is young and at least 50% Hispanic, how much importance would you place on finding a candidate who speaks Spanish?  Or is that a factor if you have two equally qualified candidates but one of them is bilingual?
Keith Law
I'd consider Spanish skills a requirement for a managing job at any level of the system, from complex leagues on up.
Chris J
What do you expect from Julio Urias going forward?
Keith Law
I'd be surprised if he pitches again.
That should be *flouts* the commissioner's authority. Flaunting it would be the opposite.
Keith Law
You are correct; they'd be flaunting their flouting, so to speak.
Francis Martes -- does he still have a future as a starter?
Keith Law
Not impossible; more likely a reliever for me, but far from certain.
I have a product I spent a lot of money on but now I don't like the company. So I'm going to smash said product to smithereens even though the company already has my money cause that'll learn em. That's how this works, right?
Keith Law
I was so torn, because Keurigs are awful for the environment, and they make terrible coffee (the grounds are stale by the time you brew that cup), but my God was it funny to see the reactions. And, by the way, no one seemed to want to admit that Hannity claimed on air that a 14-year-old could consent to sexual contact, which is false.
Did you know Ingenious is no longer available for purchase on the App Store? That game got me through several long plane trips!
Keith Law
I didn't - that's a bummer. Maybe I can talk to some industry contacts about bringing it back. I think the company that did Caylus went under too.
Garvey Murphy Trammel Morris Whitaker Bill Madlock all 80s guys that got so little respect from HOF
Keith Law
Well, Garvey, Morris, and Madlock are all well below the line. Dale Murphy is a tougher one: he had a Hall of Fame peak without the longevity.
I keep seeing good reports on Austin Riley in the AFL.  SSS, or could there be a little bit of a breakout here?
Keith Law
I saw him. Same guy at the plate. AFL stats aren't useful, given the small sample, good hitting environment, and highly variable levels of competition. He has improved defensively since 2016, though - I saw it, and I have heard the same from scouts who saw him this year too.
Will Hunter Renfroe ever hit for average in the majors?
Keith Law
Gotta hit or lay off the slider away for that to happen.
Are the critical reports on Maitan accurate?  or a little over the top being that he's a 17 year old playing just one season over here.  Also how much time does Blake Rutherford have before people start to grumble that he could be a bust?
Keith Law
I've heard a lot of reports about his body that I think were over the top, but his swing looks awful now. Rutherford is probably at that point now. Another bad year and he'll get written off. (Not without reason, given his age.)
Will you do a Periscope this year as you prep your bird?