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Live Chat with MLBTR's Steve Adams: 8/1/17
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Steve Adams
I do think going from Aoki to Fisher ROS will make them a better team by default, and perhaps that's not being talked about enough.
J Golden
These chats are great. I appreciate you and the rest of the MLBTR staff taking the time on a regular basis to host these chats.
Steve Adams
You just wanted to butter me up so I'd publish your question as a signoff. IT WORKED.
But they're enjoyable for us too. I like being able to kind of talk and think about a wide gamut of topics. But I do have to wrap up
So thanks for chatting! Jason at 6:30pm CT on Wed. Jeff at 2pm CT on Thurs. Me again at 2pm CT next Tuesday (I'll be on time next week, ha)
Enjoy the rest of your weeks and feel free to ask me other stuff on Twitter: @Adams_Steve
Take care!