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MLB Trade Rumors Live Chat With Tim Dierkes
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Tim Dierkes
Thanks for joining me for this impromptu live chat!  Plenty to talk about!  I'm Tim Dierkes, the owner of MLB Trade Rumors.
Biff Pocoroba
think the Braves get one more starting pitcher?
Tim Dierkes
Yes, I think they're a little light on rotation depth right now and will add a back-end type.
Gavin Lux seems to be expendable. Would the Reds be interested in taking him for Castillo? What else would they want? Or would he be a better fit in Oakland for Montas?
Tim Dierkes
I'll take Nick Krall at his word right now that Castillo and Mahle will stay put.  They've already shaved plenty off the payroll.
What's the latest on Story? Where do you think he goes?
Tim Dierkes
The Twins are the obvious fit, but the Astros still make sense too.  Red Sox, to a degree.  Phillies could use him but are likely tapped out financially.
dying in cleveland
Please tell me who is left realistically to fix Cleveland's outfield. The glaring holes and lack of moves are baffling
Tim Dierkes
I think Conforto is a solid fit there, though the QO likely gives them pause.  They might settle more in the Tommy Pham range.
People seriously underrate hte Donaldson trade.  I think the Yankees are a noticeably better defensive team.
Tim Dierkes
There is this idea that Urshela is a better defensive third baseman than Donaldson.  Donaldson is getting up there in age, but I'm not convinced he's worse with the glove.  And he's definitely a better hitter.
Hey Tim, do you think Boston acquires one (or both) of Hosmer and Myers from SD?
Tim Dierkes
Hosmer, no - I think the Freeman pursuit was because he's a special bat, and they were willing to create a logjam of sorts with Dalbec and Casas.  Myers could maybe be a modest improvement in RF if the Padres pay most of the freight, though it'd certainly be disappointing as Boston's big RH bat addition.
Who do you like most of the remaining free agents who isn't a SUPER BIG NAME?
Tim Dierkes
I'll go with Trevor Rosenthal.  $11MM guy a year ago, now crickets since his labrum injury.
I'll also give a nod to Drew Smyly, also an $11MM guy a year ago who is at least healthy right now and can probably help someone.
The Padres have been uncharacteristically quiet. Any moves you see them pulling? Conforto?
Tim Dierkes
I think they've been trying big things, like Suzuki and maybe Freeman, and have been coming up short.  I do think Conforto is a good fit.
I know they added Shreve, but based on the current Mets bullpen - do they need a lefty? Look at their splits (Castro, Drew Smith, May and Lugo)
Tim Dierkes
In other words, there's almost no one left, so it'd have to be via trade.  I don't know of quality guys on the market right now.
What are you hearing on Conforto? Do White Sox have any chance or do they need to trade Kimbrel to clear space first?
Tim Dierkes
It's been really quiet on Conforto.  I think since the Boras Corp has a bit of a conflict of interest, trying to place him and someone like Bryant on some of the same teams, it makes sense that things will get moving on him post-KB signing.  I like the White Sox there, but some of the stuff they've been doing this winter hasn't made a ton of sense to me, so they might not be interested.
If the Twins find a way to get both Trevor Story and one of the Oakland Pitchers, does that make them a legitimate contender in the AL Central?
Tim Dierkes
FanGraphs gives them a 25% chance right now, which seems fair.  So yes, add both of those things and that goes up a lot.  They have a lot to gain by pushing the pedal to the floor right now.
Are you surprised with all that $$$ that came off the books for the cards that they haven’t signed anyone big??
Tim Dierkes
Their CBT payroll is around $164MM right now, which is generally as high as they've gone.  I think they took their shot pre-lockout with Steven Matz.  The team didn't have a ton of areas to upgrade.
i know most don’t expect the Nats to compete this year, but with the money they have to spend 90M under tax. Doesn’t it make sense to go after Story? Nick C? And govfor it?
Tim Dierkes
Maybe not those specific guys because of the qualifying offer.  As part of a reboot you don't forfeit a good draft pick when you don't expect to contend.  As to the general point, it'd be nice to see the team bolstered some more.  But sometimes these reboot teams like to just enjoy the savings (*cough*Cubs*cough*)
Did we not learn from the George Steinbrenner yers that throwing money at superstars doesn't win titles?  Won't the baseball world be shocked when neither the Dodgers nor the Mets wins the World Series, or even gets there?
Tim Dierkes
I mean, the Yankees literally won the 2009 World Series (their last one) directly because they threw money at superstars.  Cubs signing Jon Lester might be considered throwing money at a star.  I'm sure there are more examples.
There's an idea some people like to push that payroll and team win total have no correlation.   First off, they do have one, it's above 0.3.  That's not nothing, and in a sense, it's actually a decent correlation (I've talked to Matt Swartz about this).
You should prounce your name how they prouncounce "Dirks" in Letterkenny
Tim Dierkes
Haven't seen that one yet but the pronunciation of my last name rhymes with "circus."  When I go somewhere with my four kids it's the Dierkes Circus
Who’s the favorite for Montas
Tim Dierkes
I consider that wide open - I think the teams we've seen named are the tip of the iceberg, and just about any team with designs on contending is going to be checking in on him.  Probably the best available starter.
Any chance Correa ends up in Cubbie blue, or is it just a matter of time we is back with the Astros?  Any idea of ETA on getting into a camp?
Tim Dierkes
Never say never, but Jed said he's happy with their three middle infielders.  At most I could see the Cubs being opportunistic if he takes a short-term deal, but so would a bunch of big market teams.
Farhan Zaidi
Should I be looking at Carlos Correa? Trevor Story? Brandon Crawford would be willing to move to 2b.
The fan base is ready for a big splash free agent signing, ownership is nervous fans w
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