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Dave Cameron FanGraphs Chat
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Dave Cameron
Leverage is a part of a pitcher's WAR. For starters, it ends up not mattering, as basically everyone has a leverage around 1.0, but it matters for relievers.
The Dude of NY
Do you think the Reds were at least partially motivated to trade Chapman due to his ~13 mil projected arbitration cost (minus days lost to suspension)?
Dave Cameron
Could be. If so, that's not a great reason to make a meh trade, though; better off paying the extra $4-$6M in salary and get a better prospect package in return.
Will the MLB consider service time and impact on free agent status when they're handing down Chapman's punishment? If so, will they err on still letting him hit FA next year?
Dave Cameron
I'd imagine they don't want to have that fight with the MLBPA. I can't see any scenario where they try to suspend him for 46+ games, which is what it would take.
Okay, on that note, I'm off. Enjoy your New Years, everyone, and we'll chat again next week.