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Dave Cameron FanGraphs Chat
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How does de Aza get almost $6M guaranteed? Was any other team going to offer half that? Seems like a real fail by Mets to not recognize his price tag and the state of OF marketplace.
Dave Cameron
You have apparently not noticed the rising prices of depth lately. De Aza's deal was fine.
I know you've gotten flack for "hating on the D-backs," which I think is maybe unfair. But in yesterday's piece, Steamer has them pegged for 79 wins. Given any projection system's limitations and your corresponding corrections, what win level are you comfortable putting them at? Greater than 79, if only by a little?
Dave Cameron
I think they look like a .500 team.
Shrug emoji
As a Mets fan, is it unreasonable of me to be disappointed that the team seems content starting Lagares full-time in spite of his offensive shortcomings?
Dave Cameron
Why the hell are the Rockies looking at Gerardo Parra?
Dave Cameron
I'd guess they have a CarGo trade lined up.
Can you talk about why we haven't seen more front-loaded long term contracts? Especially with younger players, it would seem like front loading would benefit both the player and the club. Is is just because the Union values higher nominal values as opposed to say, higher present value contracts? If so, has anyone explained the time-value of money to them?
Dave Cameron
Front loaded contracts have no value to the team.
Aaron S
Any way you see the Cardinals adding an impact bat with Cespedes, Upton, and Davis still on the market? The outfield market in particular has seemed really soft.
Dave Cameron
Yeah, I'd think STL should be in on Cespedes at this point.
Gary Gorr
What are your thoughts on the Drew Storen trade and do you think Sanchez moves to the rotation?
Dave Cameron
Storen trade seems smart for both sides. I still don't buy Sanchez as a starter, and I don't see any real reason to try it.
Dull Burham
You have alluded to the "bubble" economics of tv contracts. Given the fading nature of the cable tv industry, what kind of effect will this have on the MLB?
Dave Cameron
Eventually MLB will just sell the content to consumers directly. It might be another 10 or 20 years, but that's where we're headed. The league has done a very good job laying the groundwork to be able to replace their cable income with direct consumer sales income.
Gary Gorr
Why do you think the Jays in 2016 are not as good as the 2015 version?
Dave Cameron
You think Josh Donaldson is going to put up +9 WAR again? You think you're getting +4 WAR from Kevin Pillar in 2016? You think Marco Estrada is going to run a 3.13 ERA again? Most of the roster should reasonably be expected to perform worse than they did a year ago.
At this point, do you think Upton takes something like 5/100 with an opt out after the first year? Or something like that? Okay deal as a full thing, but mostly a bet on himself for next year.
Dave Cameron
No one's going to give him $100M guaranteed and a one year opt-out. The loss of the pick for signing him makes giving him a one year opt out (or a one year deal) hard unless he takes a very low 2016 salary.
Jack Wagon
What is the most frustrating part of your job?
Dave Cameron
Probably people questioning our integrity/motives for coming up with analysis that reaches conclusions they don't like.
Regarding powerball, I have to disagree with you. I'll buy $10 in tickets. I'll be in a great mood for the next 36 hours, dreaming of what I'll spend the money on. That's worth more than the cost of admission.
Dave Cameron
If you see it as an entertainment expense, like going to the movies, great.
If you see it as an investment, eh.
is your best friend someone from childhood youve stayed in touch with, or someone you met as an adult? do they like baseball?
Dave Cameron
Cheesy answer, but my best friends are my family members.
Would Jonathan Lucroy solve several of the Ranger's lineup problems? And what would it take to get him at this point? Mil seems to be rather reasonable to work with from a prospect perspective (i.e. the Gomez and Gallardo deals).
Dave Cameron
I've heard the ask on Lucroy is insane.
Who ends their career with the highest WAR: C. Seager, C. Correa or F. Lindor?
Dave Cameron
I'd go with Correa.
Jack Wagon
"Dave Cameron was just hired as the GM for the Tigers. His first move is_________"?
Dave Cameron
to hire a more qualified person to run the job while I take all the credit.
Kylo Ren
Can I get a definitive answer on FG+? I like giving you guys $$$ but it sounds like it won't exist anymore? Anything replacing it?
Dave Cameron
There's an announcement coming soon about that. There will be a way for you to give us money.
Ernie Camacho
When you add ZiPS to the depth charts, do you "re-center" it or Steamer so that the two are assuming the same run environment? At the end of the day, for your projected standings, do you essentially use pitching and batting projections + a run simulator to distribute a set number of runs?
Dave Cameron
Yeah, that's pretty much the gist of it.
Aaron T
Would a Jean Segura-Austin Hedges deal make sense? It would there be more pieces going one way?
Dave Cameron
Segura is mostly worthless, so MIL would have to give up a lot more than that.
Is Miguel Cabrera a future hall of famer? 60+ WAR and still going, but no 8+ win seasons.