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Jason Mackey's Penguins chat: 11.16.17
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Mr. Minus
I’d like to believe all the analyses that plus/minus is a lousy stat, but it still seems valid to me. Your thoughts?
Jason Mackey
I think it's valid when you see a big number next to the dash. Letang can downplay plus/minus all he wants, but when you're a minus-14 on a winning team, 20 games into a season and you're a defenseman ... that's saying something. Game-to-game, I think you have to be careful and makes sure to look for context within the number. But when you're on a good team and that far in the negative, there's something going on.
Geno is so underrated lol. While Phil is great, Geno's vision, stick-handling and play away from the puck all superior.
Jason Mackey
Thanks, kent.
Don't you think  that Geno's vision, stick-handling and play away from the puck are all superior to Phil's, Jason!?
Jason Mackey
Vision I'd call a push, honestly. Phil is a really good passer. Play away from the puck? I'm not sure we're talking about two guys where this is a big deal, although I do think Geno is a little better there.
What are the odds of keeping Hornqvist after this year? Seems like he would be a big loss on and off the ice, but presumably would take some big bucks to hang on to him.
Jason Mackey
Yeah, I think you're looking at that the right way. I think the Penguins would like to, but it's going to be really, really hard given what he's due to command on the open market.
has Kessel ever talked to you about the experience he had in Toronto vs Pittsburgh? We all know it was bad with the leafs but anything specific?
Jason Mackey
He has. To all of us, really. But one of the things he says -- and he's right -- that the media is different here. Less of us and we're generally a more forgiving bunch. He's also not required to talk every day like he does in Toronto. We don't ask that of him because of other players like Crosby, Letang and Murray who've been available a lot, plus a really good talker in Ian Cole and departed vets such as Fleury, Kunitz and Cullen.
If Hagelin heats up and starts scoring, do you keep him or trade him? Obviously has $4 million on the books til the end of next year, but I think his penalty killing and aggressiveness could be a great asset.
Jason Mackey
I would trade him. If you find someone who would take $4 million, I'd do it. Archibald adds basically the same stuff for a fraction of the cost. I think Hagelin is a fine player. Huge part of the first Cup. I just think when you can do the same thing for cheaper -- in any business -- you do it.
Do you think any of the Penguins that left over the offseason regret leaving?
Jason Mackey
Maybe Daley. I could see him missing it. Not Hainsey. Kunitz didn't "leave." They didn't make him a serious offer. Bonino now has less of a roll, but his wallet is fat. Cullen is back home. Fleury didn't have a choice.
Also, you have the best job in the world. So jealous, as a 19 year old kid, that’s the dream.
Jason Mackey
I do, although it takes sacrifice to get here, trust me. But yes, it is awesome, and I don't take it for granted for one second.
You've touched on Reaves a bit already, so I'll ask a slightly different Reaves question.  Do you think Sullivan is holding him back, knowing the Penguins are one of the most penalized teams right now?  I though Benoit Pouliot played a real gritty, mostly legal game Tuesday, and that would be an area where Reaves would respond with a grittier game of his own, or even a bit of pushback (not necessarily a fight) with Pouilot.  Seems Reaves isn't really playing much "Reaves style" hockey.
Jason Mackey
I think you need to look at score and situation, and Reaves does. That was a close game, and the PK has been wobbly. Don't give Buffalo -- a very good power play a season ago -- a chance to score a key goal. Reaves is an expert in picking his spots. With the Penguins having to chase some games and being inconsistent defensively, this isn't the best time for Reaves to push the envelope.
Who is the most vocal leader in the locker room?
Jason Mackey
That's a good question. Ian Cole talks a lot. Kris Letang will, too. Crosby has also improved how much he'll stand up and say something, from what I've been told, and when he does, like Malkin, you listen.
What makes Crosby more elite than Kessel?
Jason Mackey
A lot. Is this a serious question?
Would they have any interest in bringing back Jeff Zatkoff as the backup?  I think he's playing in the AHL, so he should be affordable.  He was a good locker room guy, too.
Jason Mackey
It's not a terrible idea. Very well-liked. I think the question here is this: Is he better than Tristan Jarry? I'm not sure he is.
Why are the pens so against playing Guetzel at center?   that would open up a top six spot for Sprong and also allow for a really good third line.
Jason Mackey
They were originally against it when Guentzel was tearing up at wing. He's normalized some. He might be worth revisiting. But he has thrived next to Crosby, and Sid likes him there. That might be the beginning and end of why he hasn't played center. They also want their third line to be a little more physical than one that has Jake at center would be.
Do you think this team is content with having Sheahan as the 3C?
Jason Mackey
If it's the Sheahan we saw the past two games, yes. If it's the other Sheahan, no; I think GMJR would do something. Problem is, I don't think we know the real one yet.
Why did Eric Fehr never really work out? I thought he was going to be the third line center for years to come when he was signed
Jason Mackey
Yeah, but that was with Mike Johnston. When Sullivan took over, the Penguins went all in on speed and changed the way they played. That wasn't fair to Fehr. He was left behind, literally and figuratively. Good player but not the right skating ability for this system.
To follow up on your answer to me, what exactly is it that they're pleased with? I'm obviously incredibly biased, as I really disliked the acquisition and what it meant for the 'just play' mantra, but I'd like to know what they believe he's bringing to the table.
Jason Mackey
They believe he's making Crosby, Malkin and the other stars more comfortable. Crosby and Malkin have admitted to him making them feel more comfortable. They like his ability to hit, to get in on the forecheck, to create turnovers. They like his personality. They like when things get heated that they have what is basically a nuclear option.
Was Matt Hunwick really an upgrade over Hainsey/Daley?
Jason Mackey
I don't think so. But he did come cheaper. When they thought they were getting a 3C and going to be right against the cap, those dollars mattered. It's also been tough to evaluate Hunwick, one, because of the concussion but also because of how inconsistent the team was when he was healthy. I'd withhold judgement long-term on Hunwick's fit here.
Took a quick look at the names of the article you suggested I look at, would it be possible at all to try and sign cogliano? The price would have to be right, but maybe play him with Hags. That has potential to be a quick lethal 3/4 line
Jason Mackey
It's possible, but I don't know if I see that as a good enough fit for what I'd expect the price to be. Plus, I think the hope is that maybe next year Adam Johnson is ready for that role, rather than lump your money into Cogliano. Then you have either Rowney or McKegg for the fourth-line role.
Or, should also add Teddy Blueger into that discussion.
What kind of leader is Sid off the ice when the team struggles on the ice? Is he the kind of leader who keeps a steady head and maintains routine to make everyone else feel like things are still good? Or does he take proactive steps to help keep the tenor of the room in good shape?
Jason Mackey
I think Sid -- and how steady he is, with everything -- is a huge thing for this team. There are times where being proactive is important, but his steady personality is definitely one of the things that makes him a great leader.