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Jason Mackey's Penguins chat: 11.16.17
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Is Sully as intense in everyday life as he is when coaching?
Jason Mackey
Ha, no, he's not. He's actually fairly laid-back from what I observed when I went up to Boston this summer. He is competitive, though. It could be horseshoes in his backyard, and the dude's gonna be mad if he loses. That much doesn't change.
Yes, that was a serious question about what makes Crosby more elite than Kessel, since you don't think there's much for Malkin.
Jason Mackey
In terms of all-around games, I think Crosby and Malkin are much different. Faceoffs. Battling in corners. Distributing. Making those around you better. Going to the front of the net. Playing defense. Dealing with media. Welcoming teammates. Establishing a culture. There are a lot of differences, yes.
What do you think of Evander Kane (costly), Benoit Pouliot (cheaper), and/or Chad Johnson as possible rental targets at the deadline?  All are UFAs, and if they could find a taker for Hagelin's contract, Kane or Pouliot would be an upgrade and a little more toughness on the LW.  I'm sure Botteril has some guys in WBS not named Sprong he may want to get into his organization.
Jason Mackey
Johnson would be intriguing, if Jarry doesn't work out. No on Kane. Have heard some off-ice things that I don't think would be good for the room. Don't really see a need for Pouliot. Botterill may know better than anyone about Hagelin, too. Wouldn't discount that.
Is it interesting to see how new guys first interact with Sid when they are getting to know him?
Jason Mackey
Oh, yeah. Absolutely. For the younger guys, it's as starstruck as you'll see an NHL player.
ST in Cali
Hi Jason, thanks for doing the owners complain to the nhl about officiating? malkin was wacked the other night and no call, then you see a real soft stick near the arm and its called? Do you have any idea how the league fixes this?  being a pens fan it seems we do not get as many call for than against lately.
Jason Mackey
My guess is every team says this. I think overall -- nothing involving the Penguins -- NHL officiating could be a lot better. It's a fast game, sure, but I think the league would be wise to address how it's officials are coached and trained. This doesn't require an owner to complain. They have Board of Governors meetings and things are discussed, but it's not like Mario is texting Bettman to complain.
Is there a schedule for these chats? Really enjoy reading them and being apart of it.
Jason Mackey
1 o'clock every Thursday. I answer every question you guys ask, as long as it's tasteful and respectful.
Is there any one player/story that stands out to you most? Talking about how younger players first meet Sid?
Jason Mackey
Cameron Gaunce. After practice one day. Crosby's hanging out at his stall like he always does. Gaunce comes off late. Crosby's just chatting with him. You could see Gaunce kind of in awe that Crosby was that inquisitive about what he had going on. Sid has done this with me, too. It's not a show. He's just naturally a very curious person.
Does Reeves go after Phaneuf?
Jason Mackey
If Phaneuf does something, sure.
Where has ZAR been in his development?
Jason Mackey
Good question, JP. Not gonna make something up here for the heck of it. Gonna talk to the GM, soon. I'll ask him. Make sure to ask this one next week, and I'll have more for you.
OK, folks, that does it. Gonna write some more stuff then grab a nap before the game tonight. Thanks, as always, for participating. Let's do this again next week.