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Reeses Pieces
Sorry about all the disgruntled chatters today, but for every disgruntled fan there's at least two pleased/happy chatters :)
Jeffrey Todd
Most are ... but sometimes  the negative comments call out to me for a response.
Barkevious Mingo
It's really amusing how people ask you for your opinion and then say you hate their favorite team for giving your opinion. That being said, what kind of return could the Reds get for Storen? And if your answer is anything other than a Top 25 prospect I hate you and you suck. Thanks.
Jeffrey Todd
I would actually like to be biased in favor of Drew Storen, since I have watched him since he came into the league and I think he's a cool dude. But yeah, I wouldn't expect a ton. Should draw a useful prospect, since he's a useful reliever, but he's not sitting atop anybody's wish list.
Okay folks, I really wish I could hang on longer but I have to run.
Thanks as always! We'll see if we can squeeze in a random pre-deadline chat over the weekend, but no promises.
Enjoy the last few days of action.